Maternal POWER® is a federally registered Trademark of Strommen Ranch and Strommen Ranch alone.
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Click the image above to watch videos of the 2025 Offering!
Maternal POWER® is a federally registered trademark of Strommen Ranch.
Good cattle don't just happen - they're built over generatios. At Strommen Ranch, we've bred for maternal genetics since the beginning. "Maternal" is not a fad or a buzzword here. It's at the heart of everything we do.
As your seedstock provider, we want your operation to be profitable and sustainable for generations – regardless of the market. That is why we require our stock to exhibit Maternal POWER® by thriving in a Northern Plains, grass-based environment with minimal supplementation. They must do more with less. Our commitment to these ideals has never weakened.
We believe that, now and into the future, profitable and sustainable operations will run cowherds that provide the desired performance with minimal input. We have placed extensive pressure on our cowherd to generate the right genetics that will positively impact our customers’ bottomline: cattle that can do more with less.
Our ANGUS cattle are backed by generations of proven, efficient genetics, emphasizing Maternal POWER®: calving ease, fleshing ability, udder quality, disposition, structure and fertility. We invite you to visit the ranch and see our Proven, Balanced, Cow-Makers in action.
Hard-working, easy-fleshing, moderate-framed, maternally oriented ANGUS genetics backed by generations of Maternal POWER®.
Click the image above for our sale catalog!
Aaron & Sheyna Strommen, Solen, N.D.
(701) 290-7983
Badlands Angus Alliance
Bull & Bred Female Sale
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2025
Noon Mountain - Stockmen's West - Dickinson, ND
60 Coming 2-Yr-Old Angus Bulls
650 Bred Heifers from our Customers
Maternal POWER™ Angus Bull Sale
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025
3 p.m. Central - At the Ranch - Solen, ND
100 Yearling and Two-Year Old
Angus Bulls
Badlands Angus Alliance
Replacement Heifer Calf Special
Thursday, Feb. 5, 2026
Noon Mountain - Stockmen's Livestock - Dickinson, ND
350+ Replacement Heifer Calves
from our Customers!